Lecture at the 1st European Mobile Systems Winter School: 'Hands-on AI and Mobile Systems: Research and Practice', on 06.02.2025 (given by Markus Schuss)
"Benchmarking Low-Power Wireless Systems on Real-World Testbeds", slides
Invited talk at Uppsala University, on 15.01.2025 (Host: Thiemo Voigt)
"Increasing the Robustness of UWB Communications"
Invited talk at Mälardalen University, Västerås, on 14.01.2025 (Hosts: Hossein Fotouhi and Mats Björkman)
"Increasing the Robustness of Ultra Wideband Systems to Harsh Environmental Conditions", slides
Paper presentation at the WiMob'24 conference in Paris, France, on 22.10.2024
"Adaptive Transmission Power Control in BLE: Unveiling and Overcoming the Limits of Current Solutions"
Keynote talk at the INW 2024 Workshop in Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, on 24.01.2024
"Increasing the Robustness of Ultra-Wideband Systems to Harsh Environmental Conditions"
Invited talk at KU Leuven, Campus Bruges, on 25.04.2023 (Host: Jeroen Boydens)
"How Threatening is Wi-Fi 6E for IoT Systems based on UWB Technology?", slides
Invited talk at the connect-them-all seminar series on 02.03.2023 (Host: Anna Förster)
"The Internet of Things and the Two Sides of Sustainability", video, slides
Invited talk at ETH Zurich, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory on 16.05.2022 (Host: Lothar Thiele)
"How Threatening is Wi-Fi 6E for IoT Systems based on UWB Technology?"
Paper presentation at the GoodIT'21 conference in Rome, Italy, on 09.09.2021
"Enabling Support of Legacy Devices for a more Sustainable Internet of Things"
Inaugural lecture at Graz University of Technology on 14.04.2021
"500 Billion IoT Devices: Road to 2030", video
Invited talk at ETH Zurich, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory on 26.03.2020
"Technologies and Tools for the Design of Dependable Networked Embedded Systems", slides
Invited talk at the Imperial College London on 04.07.2019 (Host: Julie McCann)
"Dependable Low-Power Wireless Communications for Smart(ly) Connected Things"
Invited talk at the 19th LPWAN London Meetup on 03.07.2019 (Host: Alex Gluhak @Digital Catapult)
"Impact of Temperature Variations on the Reliability of LoRa: An Experimental Evaluation"
Invited talk at the 24th IEEE European Test Symposium in Baden Baden, Germany, on 30.05.2019
"Dependable Wireless Industrial IoT Networks: Benchmarking Communication Performance"
Invited talk at Tsinghua University on 06.03.2019 (Host: Yuan He)
"Dependable IoT Communications"
Paper presentation at the EWSN'19 conference in Beijing, China, on 27.02.2019
"JamLab-NG: Benchmarking Low-Power Wireless Protocols under Controllable and Repeatable Wi-Fi Interference"
Keynote talk at the ENSIOT'19 Symposium in Shanghai, China, on 22.02.2019
"Dependable IoT Communications"
Invited talk at Nanyang Technological University on 15.02.2019 (Host: Rui Tan)
"Dependable IoT Communications"
Invited talk at the National University of Singapore on 16.01.2019 (Host: Mun Choon Chan)
"Dependable Low-Power Wireless Communications for the IoT", link
Invited speaker at the International School on IoT Enabling Technologies on 18.03.2018
"Building Dependable IoT Communications" (lecture)
"Building Low-power IoT Applications using the TI CC2650 SensorTags and Contiki" (hands-on session)
Paper presentation at the SENSORNETS'18 conference in Funchal, Portugal, on 25.01.2018
"Impact of Temperature Variations on the Reliability of LoRa: An Experimental Evaluation"
Invited talk at the University of Luebeck on 30.06.2017 (Host: Erik Maehle)
Dependable Internet of Things
Invited talk at Uppsala University on 23.01.2017 (Host: Thiemo Voigt)
"A Competition to Push the Dependability of Low-Power Wireless Protocols to the Edge"
Invited speaker at the Microsoft Summer School on the Internet of Things 2016 in Kazan, Russia
"Course on Dependable IoT Communications" & "Hands-on Course on Contiki OS", slides
Presentation at alumniTUGraz 1887 on 16.12.2015
"Dependable Wireless Sensor Networks"
PhD defense at Graz University of Technology on 19.11.2014
"Dependable Wireless Sensor Networks"
Paper presentation at the IEEE MASS'14 conference in Philadelphia, PE, USA, on 29.10.2014
"Mitigating the Adverse Effects of Temperature on Low-Power Wireless Protocols"
Paper presentation at the ACM/IEEE IPSN'14 conference in Berlin, Germany, on 16.04.2014
"TempLab: A Testbed Infrastructure to Study the Impact of Temperature on Wireless Sensor Networks"
Paper presentation at the ExtremeCom'13 conference in Þórsmörk, Iceland, on 25.08.2013
"Hot Packets: A Systematic Evaluation of the Effect of Temperature on Low Power Wireless Transceivers"
Invited talk at Uppsala University on 03.04.2017 (Host: Thiemo Voigt)
"JAG: Reliable and Predictable Wireless Agreement under External Radio Interference"
Invited talk at the Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop in Graz, Austria, on 25.03.2013 (Host: Eugen Brenner)
"Mitigating the Impact of the Environment in Wireless Sensor Networks"
Paper presentation at the IEEE RTSS'12 Symposium in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on 06.12.2012
"JAG: Reliable and Predictable Wireless Agreement under External Radio Interference"
Invited talk at the at the 4th ITI/LIS Workshop in Travemünde, Germany, on 19.09.2011
"Making Wireless Sensor Networks Communications Robust to Radio Interference"
Paper presented at the ACM/IEEE IPSN'11 conference in Chicago, IL, USA, on 12.04.2011
"JamLab: Augmenting Sensornet Testbeds with Realistic and Controlled Interference Generation"
Invited lecturer at the Workshop on Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring in Developing Countries at ICTP in Trieste, Italy, during March 2011
"Three-days Tutorial on Contiki", slides
Talk at the 1st PhD Retreat "Inflammation at Interfaces" of the Schleswig-Holstein Cluster of Excellence in Inflammation Research in Dersau, Germany, during February 2011
"Body Sensor Networks as a Robust Tool for Medical Research" - Best Talk Award
Invited talk at the EADS Wireless Sensor Networks Workshop in Munich, Germany, during November 2010
"Mitigation of Radio Interference in Wireless Sensor Networks"
Paper presentation at the IEEE ICCCN'10 conference in Zurich, Switzerland, on 03.08.2010
"The Triangle Metric: Fast Link Quality Estimation for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks"
Invited talk at the COST2100/CONET/NEWCOM++ Workshop on "Cooperating Objects and Wireless Sensor Networks" in Bologna, Italy, during May 2010
"Making Sensornet Protocols Robust against Interference"
Paper presentation at the EWSN'10 conference in Coimbra, Portugal, on 19.02.2010
Making Sensornet MAC Protocols Robust Against Interference
Invited talk at the Tyndall National Institute in Cork, Ireland, on 19.01.2010 (Host: Brendan O'Flynn)
"Outdoor Industrial Sensornet Applications: the Impact of Temperature, Weather Conditions, and ATEX-compliance"
Paper presented at the IEEE SenseApp'09 workshop in Zurich, Switzerland, on 20.10.2009
"Controllable Radio Interference for Experimental and Testing Purposes in Wireless Sensor Networks"
Low-Power Radio Communication in Industrial Outdoor Deployments: The Impact of Weather Conditions and ATEX-compliance.
Paper presentation at the SENSAPPEAL'09 conference in Athens, Greece, on 25.09.2009
Invited talk at the Real-Time in Sweden Conference 2009 in Lund, Sweden, on 19.08.2009
"Application Support Design for Wireless Sensor Networks" (Bengt Asker Award ceremony)