Full Publication List (citations: 4635, h-index: 34, according to Google Scholar)
Conference Papers
Legend: ★ = ranked CORE A* (flagship), ☆ = ranked CORE A (excellent), * = ranked CORE B (good to very good).
M. Schuh, M. Baddeley, K. Römer, and C.A. Boano.
Understanding Concurrent Transmissions over Ultra-Wideband Complex Channels.
In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys).
Hangzhou, China. November 2024.
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E. Ember, J. Pestana, M. Krisper, M. Stocker, K. Römer, C.A. Boano, and P. Corbalán.
Improving the Correction of NLoS-Induced Ranging Errors in UWB Systems through Enhanced Labeling.
In Proceedings of the 15th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC).
Venice, Italy. November 2024.
Best paper award.
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T. Gasteiger, P. Perazzo, M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, F. Bašić, G. Dini, and K. Römer.
BACON: Improving Broadcast Audio Authentication.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM).
Washington, DC, USA. October 2024.
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E. Salomon and C.A. Boano.
Adaptive Transmission Power Control in BLE: Unveiling and Overcoming the Limits of Current Solutions.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob).
Paris, France. October 2024.
Best paper award.
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H. Brunner, S. Scholl, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Modelling and Comparing Converter Architectures and Energy Harvesting ICs for Battery-Free Systems.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS).
Seoul, South Korea. September 2024.
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M. Schuß and C.A. Boano.
E-Cube: Towards a First Benchmarking Facility for Battery-Free Systems.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT).
Bremen, Germany. September 2024.
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H. Brunner, J. de Winkel, C.A. Boano, P. Pawełczak, and K. Römer.
Simba: A Unified Framework to Explore and Facilitate the Design of Battery-Free Systems.
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN).
Hong Kong, China. May 2024.
Best artifact award.
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M. Banaszek, M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, and K. Iwanicki.
RPL at Scale: Experiences from a Performance Evaluation on up to 700 IEEE 802.15.4 Devices.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS).
Seoul, South Korea. May 2024.
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P. Tian, C.A. Boano, M. Schuß, and J. Wei.
RSSF: Towards Real-Time Decoding of LoRa Packets without Prior Knowledge of their Spreading Factor.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM).
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. December 2023.
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E. Ember, J. Pestana, M. Krisper, M. Stocker, K. Römer, C.A. Boano, and P. Corbalán.
Impact of Feature Selection and CIR Window Length on NLoS Classification for UWB Systems.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing, and Networking (MSN).
Nanjing, China. December 2023.
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J. Singh, M. Baddeley, C.A. Boano, A. Stanoev, Z. Chai, T. Farnham, Q. Wang, and U. Raza.
BLoB: Beating-based Localization for Single-Antenna BLE Devices.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Rende, Italy. September 2023.
Best paper award.
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T. Gasteiger, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
BISON: Attacking Bluetooth's Broadcast Isochronous Streams.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Rende, Italy. September 2023.
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M. Gallacher, M. Stocker, M. Baddeley, K. Römer, and C.A. Boano.
InSight: Enabling NLOS Classification, Error Correction, and Anchor Selection on Resource-Constrained UWB Devices.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Rende, Italy. September 2023.
Best paper nominee.
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M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, M. Baddeley, M. Prakash, and K. Römer.
X-Lab: A Federated Testbed Infrastructure to Benchmark Geographically-Distributed Low-Power Wireless Systems.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Rende, Italy. September 2023.
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P. Li, J. Singh, H. Cui, and C.A. Boano.
BmmW: A DNN-based Joint BLE and mmWave Radar System for Accurate 3D Localization.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT).
Pafos, Cyprus. June 2023.
Best Paper Award.
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M. Baddeley, Y. Gyl, M. Schuß, X. Ma, and C.A. Boano.
OSF: An Open-Source Framework for Synchronous Flooding over Multiple Physical Layers.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Linz, Austria. October 2022.
(Preliminary technical report published as eprint arXiv:2208.12850 in August 2022)
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A. Koller, M. Schuh, C.A. Boano, K. Römer, and K. Witrisal.
Geodetic Network Optimization Algorithm for Anchor Selection in Harsh Environments.
In Proceedings of the 35th International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation's Satellite Division (ION GNSS+).
Denver, CO, USA. September 2022.
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H. Brunner, M. Stocker, M. Schuh, M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Understanding and Mitigating the Impact of Wi-Fi 6E Interference on Ultra-Wideband Communications and Ranging.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN).
Virtual event. May 2022.
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F. Yang, P. Tian, X. Ma, C.A. Boano, Y. Liu, and J. Wei.
EMU: Increasing the Performance and Applicability of LoRa through Chirp Emulation, Snipping, and Multiplexing.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN).
Virtual event. May 2022.
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Z. Yu, X. Na, C.A. Boano, Y. He, X. Guo, P. Li, and M. Jin.
SmarTiSCH: An Interference-Aware Engine for IEEE 802.15.4e-based Networks.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN).
Virtual event. May 2022.
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R. Hofmann, D. Grubmair, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
X-Sync: Cross-Technology Clock Synchronization Among Off-The-Shelf Wireless IoT Devices.
In Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN).
Virtual event. October 2021.
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C.A. Boano.
Enabling Support of Legacy Devices for a more Sustainable Internet of Things.
In Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT).
Rome, Italy. September 2021.
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H. Brunner, R. Hofmann, M. Schuß, J. Link, M. Hollick, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Leveraging Cross-Technology Broadcast Communication to build Gateway-Free Smart Homes.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS).
Virtual event. July 2021.
Best Paper Award.
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Z. Yu, P. Li, C.A. Boano, Y. He, M. Jin, X. Guo, and X. Zheng.
BiCord: Bidirectional Coordination among Coexisting Wireless Devices.
In Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS).
Virtual event. July 2021.
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M. Baddeley, A. Aijaz, U. Raza, A. Stanoev, Y. Jin, M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, and G. Oikonomou.
6TiSCH++ with Bluetooth 5 and Concurrent Transmissions.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Virtual event. February 2021.
(Preliminary technical report published as eprint arXiv:2010.09529 in Oct 2020)
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M. Spörk, M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Ensuring End-to-End Dependability Requirements in Cloud-based Bluetooth Low Energy Applications.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Virtual event. February 2021.
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R. Hofmann, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
SERVOUS: Cross-Technology Neighbour Discovery and Rendezvous for Low-Power Wireless Devices.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Virtual event. February 2021.
Best Paper Nominee.
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P. Tian, X. Ma, C.A. Boano, F. Yang, Y. Liu, X. Tian, D. Li, and J. Wei.
ChirpBox: An Infrastructure-Less LoRa Testbed.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Virtual event. February 2021.
Best Paper Nominee.
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M. Stocker, B. Großwindhager, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Towards Secure and Scalable UWB-based Positioning Systems.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS).
Virtual event. December 2020.
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M. Baddeley, C.A. Boano, A. Escobar-Molero, Y. Liu, X. Ma, U. Raza, K. Römer, M. Schuß, and A. Stanoev.
The Impact of the Physical Layer on the Performance of Concurrent Transmissions.
In Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP).
Virtual event. October 2020.
(Preliminary technical report published as eprint arXiv:2005.13816 in May 2020)
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X. Ma, P. Zhang, C.A. Boano, Y. Liu, H.S. Kim, J. Huang, and J. Wei.
Harmony: Saving Concurrent Transmissions from Harsh RF Interference.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM).
Virtual event. July 2020.
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M. Spörk, J. Classen, C.A. Boano, M. Hollick, and K. Römer.
Improving the Reliability of Bluetooth Low Energy Connections.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Lyon, France. February 2020.
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A. Langiu, C.A. Boano, M. Schuß, and K. Römer.
UpKit: An Open-Source, Portable, and Lightweight Update Framework for Constrained IoT Devices.
In Proceedings of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS).
Dallas, TX, USA. July 2019.
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J. Dobaj, M. Schuß, M. Krisper, C.A. Boano, and G. Macher.
Dependable Mesh Networking Patterns.
In Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLop).
Irsee, Germany. July 2019.
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R. Hofmann, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
X-Burst: Enabling Multi-Platform Cross-Technology Communication between Constrained IoT Devices.
In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON).
Boston, MA, USA. June 2019.
Best Paper Award.
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F. Foukalas, P. Pop, F. Théoleyre, C.A. Boano, and C. Buratti.
Dependable Wireless Industrial IoT Networks: Recent Advances and Open Challenges.
In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS).
Baden Baden, Germany. May 2019.
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B. Großwindhager, M. Stocker, M. Rath, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
SnapLoc: An Ultra-Fast UWB-Based Indoor Localization System for an Unlimited Number of Tags.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN).
Montréal, Canada. April 2019.
Best Paper Award.
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M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, M. Weber, M. Schulz, M. Hollick, and K. Römer.
JamLab-NG: Benchmarking Low-Power Wireless Protocols under Controllable and Repeatable Wi-Fi Interference.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Beijing, China. February 2019.
Best Paper Nominee.
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M. Spörk, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Improving the Timeliness of Bluetooth Low Energy in Noisy RF Environments.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Beijing, China. February 2019.
Best Paper Nominee.
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B. Großwindhager, M. Rath, J. Kulmer, M. Bakr, C.A. Boano, K. Witrisal, and K. Römer.
SALMA: UWB-based Single-Anchor Localization System using Multipath Assistance.
In Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys).
Shenzhen, China. November 2018.
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M. Schuß, J. Iber, J. Dobaj, C. Kreiner, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
IoT Device Security the Hard(ware) way.
In Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP).
Irsee, Germany. July 2018.
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B. Großwindhager, C.A. Boano, M. Rath, and K. Römer.
Concurrent Ranging with Ultra-Wideband Radios: From Experimental Evidence to a Practical Solution.
In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS).
Vienna, Austria. July 2018.
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B. Großwindhager, C.A. Boano, M. Rath, and K. Römer.
Enabling Runtime Adaptation of Physical Layer Settings for Dependable UWB Communications.
In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM).
Chania, Greece. June 2018.
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C.A. Boano, M. Cattani, and K. Römer.
Impact of Temperature Variations on the Reliability of LoRa: An Experimental Evaluation.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS).
Funchal, Portugal. January 2018.
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M. Steger, C.A. Boano, K. Römer, M. Karner, J. Hillebrand, and W. Rom.
CESAR: a Testbed Infrastructure to Evaluate the Efficiency of Wireless Automotive Software Updates.
In Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM).
Miami, FL, USA. November 2017.
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M. Spörk, C.A. Boano, M. Zimmerling, and K. Römer.
BLEach: Exploiting the Full Potential of IPv6 over BLE in Constrained Embedded IoT Devices.
In Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys).
Delft, The Netherlands. November 2017.
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C. Maurice, M. Weber, M. Schwarz, L. Giner, D. Gruss, C.A. Boano, K. Römer, and S. Mangard.
Hello from the Other Side: SSH over Robust Cache Covert Channels in the Cloud.
In Proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS).
San Diego, CA, USA. March 2017.
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M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, M. Weber, and K. Römer.
A Competition to Push the Dependability of Low-Power Wireless Protocols to the Edge.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Uppsala, Sweden. February 2017.
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M. Steger, M. Karner, J. Hillebrand, W. Rom, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Generic Framework enabling Secure and Efficient Wireless SW Updates.
In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA).
Berlin, Germany. September 2016.
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U. Wetzker, I. Splitt, M. Zimmerling, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Troubleshooting Wireless Coexistence Problems in the Industrial Internet of Things.
In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC).
Paris, France. August 2016.
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M. Steger, C.A. Boano, M. Karner, J. Hillebrand, W. Rom, and K. Römer.
SecUp: Secure and Efficient Wireless Software Updates for Vehicles.
In Proceedings of the Euromicro Digital System Design Conference (DSD).
Limassol, Cyprus. August 2016.
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M. Steger, M. Karner, J. Hillebrand, W. Rom, E. Armengaud, M. Hansson, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Applicability of IEEE 802.11s for Automotive Wireless Software Updates.
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL).
Graz, Austria. July 2015.
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C.A. Boano, K. Römer, and Nicolas Tsiftes.
Mitigating the Adverse Effects of Temperature on Low-Power Wireless Protocols.
In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS).
Philadelphia, PE, USA. October 2014.
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C.A. Boano, M.A. Zúñiga, J. Brown, U. Roedig, C. Keppitiyagama, and K. Römer.
TempLab: A Testbed Infrastructure to Study the Impact of Temperature on Wireless Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN).
Berlin, Germany. April 2014.
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C.A. Boano, M. Lasagni, and K. Römer.
Non-Invasive Measurement of Core Body Temperature in Marathon Runners.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN).
Cambridge, MA, USA. May 2013.
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C.A. Boano, M.A. Zúñiga, K. Römer, and T. Voigt.
JAG: Reliable and Predictable Wireless Agreement under External Radio Interference.
In Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS).
San Juan, Puerto Rico. December 2012.
(Preliminary technical report published as eprint arXiv:1202.4865 in February 2012)
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M.A. Zúñiga, I. Irzynska, J. Hauer, T. Voigt, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Link Quality Ranking: Getting the Best out of Unreliable Links.
In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS).
Barcelona, Spain. June 2011.
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C.A. Boano, T. Voigt, C. Noda, K. Römer, and M.A. Zúñiga.
JamLab: Augmenting Sensornet Testbeds with Realistic and Controlled Interference Generation.
In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN).
Chicago, IL, USA. April 2011.
Best Paper Nominee.
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C.A. Boano, M.A. Zúñiga, T. Voigt, A. Willig, and K. Römer.
The Triangle Metric: Fast Link Quality Estimation for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN).
Zurich, Switzerland. August 2010.
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C.A. Boano, T. Voigt, N. Tsiftes, L. Mottola, K. Römer, and M.A. Zúñiga.
Making Sensornet MAC Protocols Robust Against Interference.
In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN).
Coimbra, Portugal. February 2010.
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C.A. Boano, J. Brown, Z. He, U. Roedig, and T. Voigt.
Low-Power Radio Communication in Industrial Outdoor Deployments: The Impact of Weather Conditions and ATEX-compliance.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sensor Networks Applications, Experimentation and Logistics (Sensappeal).
Athens, Greece. September 2009.
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out of these conference items (%) were published at excellent (CORE A) or flagship (CORE A*) venues. (In summary: CORE A*, CORE A, and CORE B contributions)
Workshop Papers
M. Stocker, M. Gallacher, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Applying NLOS Classification and Error Correction Techniques to UWB Systems: Lessons Learned and Recommendations.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench),
in conjunction with the CPS-IoT Week.
San Antonio, TX, USA. May 2023.
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H. Brunner, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Leakage-Aware Lifetime Estimation of Battery-Free Sensor Nodes powered by Supercapacitors.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys),
in conjunction with the 20th International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys).
Boston, MA, USA. November 2022.
Best Paper Award.
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M. Stocker, J. Kowalczyk, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Towards Secure Multicast Ranging with Ultra-Wideband Systems.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Unconventional Security for Wireless Communications (USWC),
in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
Linz, Austria. October 2022.
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M. Schuh, H. Brunner, M. Stocker, M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
First Steps in Benchmarking the Performance of Heterogeneous Ultra-Wideband Platforms.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench), in conjunction with the CPS-IoT Week.
Virtual event. May 2022.
Best Presentation Award.
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M. Stocker, M. Schuh, H. Brunner, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
On the Performance of IEEE 802.15.4z-Compliant Ultra-Wideband Devices.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench), in conjunction with the CPS-IoT Week.
Virtual event. May 2022.
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P. Tian, F. Yang, X. Ma, C.A. Boano, X. Tian, Y. Liu, and J. Wei.
Dataset: Environmental Impact on the Long-Term Connectivity and Link Quality of an Outdoor LoRa Network.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop of Data Acquisition to Analysis (DATA), in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys).
Coimbra, Portugal. November 2021.
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M. Stocker, M. Gallacher, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Performance of Support Vector Regression in Correcting UWB Ranging Measurements under LOS/NLOS Conditions.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench), in conjunction with the CPS-IoT Week.
Virtual event. May 2021.
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M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, K. Römer, J. Link and M. Hollick.
Towards an Automated Monitoring of RF Activity in Low-Power Wireless Testbeds.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench), in conjunction with the 26th International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom).
Virtual event. September 2020.
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M. Spörk, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Performance and Trade-offs of the new PHY Modes of BLE 5.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Pervasive Systems in the IoT Era (PERSIST-IoT) in conjunction with the 20th International ACM Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc).
Catania, Italy. July 2019.
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R. Jacob, C.A. Boano, U. Raza, M. Zimmerling, and L. Thiele.
Towards a Methodology for Experimental Evaluation in Low-Power Wireless Networking.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench) in conjunction with CPS-IoTweek.
Montréal, Canada. April 2019.
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B. Großwindhager, M. Rath, J. Kulmer, M. Bakr, C.A. Boano, K. Witrisal, and K. Römer.
Dataset: Single-Anchor Indoor Localization with Decawave DW1000 and Directional Antennas.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Data Acquisition To Analysis (DATA) in conjunction with the 16th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys).
Shenzhen, China. November 2018.
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T. Renzler, M. Spörk, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Improving the Efficiency and Responsiveness of Smart Objects using Adaptive BLE Device Discovery.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Experiences with the Design and Implementation of Smart Objects (SMARTOBJECTS) in conjunction with the 19th International ACM Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc).
Los Angeles, CA, USA. June 2018.
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C.A. Boano, S. Duquennoy, A. Förster, O. Gnawali, R. Jacob, H.S. Kim, O. Landsiedel, R. Marfievici, L. Mottola, G.P. Picco, X. Vilajosana, T. Watteyne, and M. Zimmerling.
IoTBench: Towards a Benchmark for Low-power Wireless Networking.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems (CPSBench) in conjunction with CPSweek.
Porto, Portugal. April 2018.
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M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Moving Beyond Competitions: Extending D-Cube to Seamlessly Benchmark Low-Power Wireless Systems.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems (CPSBench) in conjunction with CPSweek.
Porto, Portugal. April 2018.
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T. Sparber, C.A. Boano, S.S. Kanhere, and K. Römer.
Mitigating Radio Interference in Large IoT Networks through Dynamic CCA Adjustment.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT) in conjunction with the 43rd International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB).
Munich, Germany. August 2017.
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M. Cattani, C.A. Boano, D. Steffelbauer, S. Kaltenbacher, M. Günther, K. Römer, D. Fuchs-Hanusch, and M. Horn.
Adige: An Efficient Smart Water Network based on Long-Range Wireless Technology.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Water Networks (CySWATER) in conjunction with CPSweek.
Pittsburgh, PA, USA. April 2017.
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F.J. Oppermann, C.A. Boano, M.A. Zúñiga, and K. Römer.
Automatic Protocol Configuration for Dependable Internet of Things Applications.
In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp) in conjunction with the 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN).
Clearwater Beach, FL, USA. October 2015.
Best Paper Runner-up.
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J. Brown, U. Roedig, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Estimating Packet Reception Rate in Noisy Environments.
In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp) in conjunction with the 39th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN).
Edmonton, Canada. September 2014.
Best Paper Runner-up.
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C.A. Boano, H. Wennerström, M.A. Zúñiga, J. Brown, C. Keppitiyagama, F.J. Oppermann, U. Roedig, L.-Å. Nordén, T. Voigt, and K. Römer.
Hot Packets: A Systematic Evaluation of the Effect of Temperature on Low Power Wireless Transceivers.
In Proceedings of the 5th Extreme Conference on Communication (ExtremeCom).
Þórsmörk, Iceland. August 2013.
Best Paper Award.
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C. Noda, S. Prabh, M. Alves, C.A. Boano, and T. Voigt.
Quantifying the Channel Quality for Interference-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN) in conjunction with the 23rd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS).
Porto, Portugal. July 2011.
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C.A. Boano, M. Lasagni, K. Römer, and T. Lange.
Accurate Temperature Measurements for Medical Research using Body Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Self-Organizing Real-Time Systems (SORT) in conjunction with the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object, Component, Service-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC).
Newport Beach, CA, USA, March 2011.
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C.A. Boano, Z. He, Y. Li, T. Voigt, M.A. Zúñiga, and A. Willig.
Controllable Radio Interference for Experimental and Testing Purposes in Wireless Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp) in conjunction with the 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN).
Zurich, Switzerland. October 2009.
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Journal Articles
Y. Liu, X. Ma, and C.A. Boano.
Intelligent Noise Mapping for Smart Cities: Solutions, Trends, and Research Opportunities.
IEEE Communications Magazine, volume 62, issue 12,
September 2024.
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Y. Liu, P. Tian, C.A. Boano, X. Ma, Q. Yang, and H. Wang.
A Low-Cost and Infrastructure-Less LoRa Wireless Network Testbed for Cognitive Internet of Things.
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking,
September 2024.
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P. Li, J. Singh, H. Cui, and C.A. Boano.
BmmW: A DNN-based Joint BLE and mmWave Radar System for Accurate 3D Localization with Goal-oriented Communication.
Pervasive and Mobile Computing, volume 102,
September 2024.
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S. Nabavi, J. Schauer, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
APOTSA: Anchor Placement Optimisation Using Discrete Tabu Search Algorithm for Area-Based Localisation.
IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 14(6),
September 2024.
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M. Baddeley, C.A. Boano, A. Escobar-Molero, Y. Liu, X. Ma, V. Marot, U. Raza, K. Römer, M. Schuß, and A. Stanoev.
Understanding Concurrent Transmissions: The Impact of Carrier Frequency Offset and RF Interference on Physical Layer Performance.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 20(1),
June 2023.
(Preliminary technical report published as eprint arXiv:2304.00371 in April 2023)
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P. Tian, C.A. Boano, X. Ma, and J. Wei.
LoRaHop: Multi-Hop Support for LoRaWAN Uplink and Downlink Messaging.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10(17).
April 2023.
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R. Jacob, M. Zimmerling, C.A. Boano, L. Vanbever, and L. Thiele.
Designing Replicable Networking Experiments With Triscale.
Journal of Systems Research, 1(1).
November 2021.
(Preliminary technical report published on Zenodo in March 2021)
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M. Spörk, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Improving the Timeliness of Bluetooth Low Energy in Dynamic RF Environments.
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, 1(2).
April 2020.
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M. Bakr, B. Großwindhager, M. Rath, J. Kulmer, I. Hunter, R. Abd-Alhameed, K. Witrisal, C.A. Boano, K. Römer, and W. Bösch.
A Compact Broadband Frequency Selective Microstrip Antenna and its Application to Indoor Positioning Systems for Wireless Networks.
IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 13(8).
March 2019.
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M. Steger, C.A. Boano, T. Niedermayr, K. Römer, M. Karner, J. Hillebrand, and W. Rom.
An Efficient and Secure Automotive Wireless Software Update Framework.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14(5).
May 2018.
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B. Großwindhager, A. Rupp, M. Tappler, M. Tranninger, S. Weiser, B.K. Aichernig, C.A. Boano, M. Horn, G. Kubin, S. Mangard, M. Steinberger, and K. Römer.
Dependable Internet of Things for Networked Cars.
International Journal of Computing, 16(4).
December 2017.
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M. Cattani, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
An Experimental Evaluation of the Reliability of LoRa Long-Range Low-Power Wireless Communication.
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (JSAN), 6(2).
June 2017.
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N. Baccour, A. Koubâa, L. Mottola, M.A. Zúñiga, H. Youssef, C.A. Boano, and M. Alves.
Radio Link Quality Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks: a Survey.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 8(4).
November 2012.
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C. Noda, S. Prabh, M. Alves, C.A. Boano, and T. Voigt.
Quantifying the Channel Quality for Interference-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks.
In ACM SIGBED Review 8(4) - Special Issue on the 10th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN).
December 2011.
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C.A. Boano, J. Brown, N. Tsiftes, U. Roedig, and T. Voigt.
The Impact of Temperature on Outdoor Industrial Sensornet Applications.
In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), 6(3).
August 2010.
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Posters & Demos
F. Mühlbacher, M. Schuss, H. Brunner, and C.A. Boano.
A Flexible Extension Board for IoT Devices to Enable their Batteryless Operation.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), demo session.
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. December 2024.
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L. Furtner, M. Schuh, M. Schuss, and C.A. Boano.
An Affordable and Easy-to-Setup Ground Truth System to Facilitate Localization Research.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), demo session.
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. December 2024.
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M. Gallacher, C.A. Boano, M.S. Arun Sankar, U. Roedig, W.T. Lunardi, and M. Baddeley.
Towards Speaker Identification on Resource-Constrained Embedded Devices.
In Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), poster session.
Istanbul, Turkey. November 2023.
Best poster runner-up.
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S. Deo, M. Schuß, M. Baddeley, and C.A. Boano.
Robust Wi-Fi Mesh Networking with SPIDERMAN.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Rende, Italy. September 2023.
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H. Hydher, M. Schuß, O. Saukh, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Automatic Parameter Exploration for Low-Power Wireless Protocols.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Rende, Italy. September 2023.
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T. Gasteiger, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Hijacking Bluetooth’s Broadcast Audio Streams using BISON.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), demo session.
Rende, Italy. September 2023.
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M. Baddeley, M. Schuß, Y. Gyl, M. Prakash, X. Ma, and C.A. Boano.
Video over Synchronous Flooding with OSFv6.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), demo session.
Rende, Italy. September 2023.
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H. Brunner, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Towards an Accurate Lifetime Estimation of Battery-Free Sensor Nodes Powered by Supercapacitors.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Linz, Austria. October 2022.
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Link to ACM DL -
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E. Salomon, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Improving the Reliability of BLE Communications through Packet-level Adaptations on a Per-Channel Basis.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Linz, Austria. October 2022.
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M. Gallacher, M. Stocker, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Towards NLOS Ranging Error Detection and Mitigation using Machine Learning on Embedded Ultra-Wideband Devices.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Linz, Austria. October 2022.
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M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, M. Baddeley, M. Prakash, and K. Römer.
Towards a Federated Testbed Infrastructure for Geographically-Distributed Low-Power Wireless Systems.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Linz, Austria. October 2022.
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M. Schuh, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Increasing the Reliability of Concurrent UWB Transmissions over Complex Channels.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Linz, Austria. October 2022.
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F. Yang, P. Tian, X. Ma, J. Wei, and C.A. Boano.
Real-Time Decoding of LoRa Packets Without Prior Knowledge of their Spreading Factor.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), demo session.
Linz, Austria. October 2022.
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Link to ACM DL -
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E. Salomon, L. Happ Botler, K. Diwold, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Comparison of Channel State Information driven and RSSI-based WiFi Distance Estimation.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Virtual event. February 2021.
Best Poster Award.
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E. Ember, K. Diwold, K. Römer, C.A. Boano, M. Schuß, A. Frischenschlager, and A. Einfalt.
Communication Failover Strategies for Dependable Smart Grid Operation.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Virtual event. February 2021.
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H. Brunner, R. Hofmann, M. Schuß, J. Link, M. Hollick, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Cross-Technology Broadcast Communication between Off-The-Shelf Wi-Fi, BLE, and IEEE 802.15.4 Devices.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), demo session.
Lyon, France. February 2020.
Best Demo Award.
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M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Making D-Cube an Open Low-Power Wireless Networking Benchmark.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Lyon, France. February 2020.
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X. Ma, D. Li, F. Yang, C.A. Boano, P. Tian and J. Wei.
Chirpbox - A Low-Cost LoRa Testbed Solution.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Lyon, France. February 2020.
Best Poster Award.
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J. Classen, M. Spörk, C.A. Boano, K. Römer, and M. Hollick.
Analyzing Bluetooth Low Energy Connections on Off-the-Shelf Devices.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), demo session.
Lyon, France. February 2020.
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D. Grubmair, R. Hofmann, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Accurate Cross-Technology Clock Synchronization Among Off-The-Shelf Wireless Devices.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Lyon, France. February 2020.
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M. Stocker, B. Großwindhager, M. Rath, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
SnapLoc: An Ultra-Fast UWB-Based Indoor Localization System for an Unlimited Number of Tags.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), demo session.
Montréal, Canada. April 2019.
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B. Großwindhager, C.A. Boano, M. Rath, and K. Römer.
Runtime Adaptation of PHY Settings for Dependable UWB Communications.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), poster session.
Porto, Portugal. April 2018.
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B. Großwindhager, M. Rath, J. Kulmer, S. Hinteregger, M. Bakr, C.A. Boano, K. Witrisal, and K. Römer.
UWB-based Single-anchor Low-cost Indoor Localization System.
In Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), demo session.
Delft, The Netherlands. November 2017.
Best Demo Award.
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A. Bereza, U. Wetzker, C. Herrmann, C.A. Boano, and M. Zimmerling.
Cross-Technology Communication between BLE and Wi-Fi using Commodity Hardware.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), demo session.
Uppsala, Sweden. February 2017.
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B. Großwindhager, M. Bakr, M. Rath, F. Gentili, W. Bösch, K. Witrisal, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
Switchable Directional Antenna System for UWB-based Internet of Things Applications.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Uppsala, Sweden. February 2017.
Best Poster Award.
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M. Spörk, M. Schuß, C.A. Boano, and K. Römer.
An Open-Source IPv6 over BLE Stack for Contiki.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Uppsala, Sweden. February 2017.
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S. Duquennoy, O. Landsiedel, C.A. Boano, M. Zimmerling, J. Beutel, M.C. Chan, O. Gnawali, M. Mohammad, L. Mottola, L. Thiele, X. Vilajosana, T. Voigt, and T. Watteyne.
A Benchmark for Low-power Wireless Networking.
In Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), poster session.
Stanford, CA, USA. November 2016.
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F.J. Oppermann, C.A. Boano, K. Römer, and M. Zimmerling.
Automatic Configuration of Controlled Interference Experiments in Sensornet Testbeds.
In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), poster session.
Memphis, TN, USA. November 2014.
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C.A. Boano, K. Römer, J. Brown, U. Roedig, and M.A. Zúñiga.
A Testbed Infrastructure to Study the Impact of Temperature on WSN.
In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), demo session.
Budapest, Hungary. March 2014.
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J. Brown, U. Roedig, C.A. Boano, K. Römer, and N. Tsiftes.
How Temperature Affects IoT Communication.
In Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), demo session.
Oxford, United Kingdom. February 2014.
Best Demo Runner-up.
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C. Keppitiyagama, N. Tsiftes, C.A. Boano and T. Voigt.
Temperature Hints for Sensornet Routing.
In Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), poster session.
Rome, Italy. November 2013.
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C.A. Boano and K. Römer.
Non-Invasive Measurement of Core Body Temperature in Marathon Runners.
In Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Ghent, Belgium. February 2013.
Best Poster Runner-up.
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C.A. Boano, K. Römer, T. Voigt, and M.A. Zúñiga.
Agreement for Wireless Sensor Networks under External Interference.
In Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), poster session.
Trento, Italy. February 2012.
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C. Noda, S. Prabh, C.A. Boano, T. Voigt, and M. Alves.
A Channel Quality Metric for Interference Aware Wireless Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), poster session.
Chicago, IL, USA. April 2011.
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C.A. Boano, M. Lasagni, K. Römer, and T. Lange.
Accurate Monitoring of Circadian Rhythms using Wearable Body Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), poster session.
Chicago, IL, USA. April 2011.
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C.A. Boano, K. Römer, F. Österlind, and T. Voigt.
Realistic Simulation of Radio Interference in COOJA.
In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), demo session.
Bonn, Germany. February 2011.
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C.A. Boano, K. Römer, Z. He, T. Voigt, M.A. Zúñiga, and A. Willig.
Generation of Controllable Radio Interference for Protocol Testing in Wireless Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), demo session.
Berkeley, CA, USA. November 2009.
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C.J. Sreenan, U. Roedig, J. Brown, C.A. Boano, A. Dunkels, Z. He, T. Voigt, V. Vassiliou, J. Sá Silva, L. Wolf, O. Wellnitz, R. Eiras, G. Hackenbroich, A. Klein, and D. Agrawal.
Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), poster session.
Rome, Italy. June 2009.
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C.A. Boano, T. Voigt, A. Dunkels, F. Österlind, N. Tsiftes, L. Mottola, and P. Suárez.
Exploiting the LQI Variance for Rapid Channel Quality Assessment.
In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), poster session.
San Francisco, CA, USA. April 2009.
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Books, Editorials, and Book Chapters
B. Großwindhager, M. Rath, M. Bakr, P. Greiner, C.A. Boano, K. Witrisal, F. Gentili, J. Grosinger, W. Bösch, and K. Römer.
Dependable Wireless Communication and Localization in the Internet of Things.
In Mission-Oriented Sensor Networks and Systems: Art and Science - Volume 2: Advances, Chapter 7, edited by Habib M. Ammari, D. Frank Hsu, Damian Lyons, David S.L. Wei, and Gary M. Weiss.
ISBN 978-3-319-92384-0, Springer, February 2019.
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Buy at Amazon.de
S. Groppe and C.A. Boano.
Second Edition of the Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2018).
Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 4(1).
August 2018.
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S. Groppe and C.A. Boano.
First Edition of the Very Large Internet of Things Workshop (VLIoT 2017).
Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 3(1).
August 2017.
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C.A. Boano, F.J. Oppermann, K. Römer.
The Use of Body Sensor Networks in Clinical Settings and Medical Research.
In Sensor Networks for Sustainable Development, Chapter 11, edited by M. Ilyas, S.S. Al-Wakeel, M.M. Alwakeel, and E-Ha.M. Aggoune.
ISBN 978-1-466-58206-4, CRC Press.
July 2014.
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CRC Press Link -
CRCnetbase Link -
Buy at Amazon.de
F.J. Oppermann, C.A. Boano, K. Römer.
A Decade of Wireless Sensing Applications: Survey and Taxonomy.
In The Art of Wireless Sensor Networks, Volume 1, Chapter 2, pages 11-50.
ISBN 978-3-642-40008-7, Springer.
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Buy at Amazon.de
C.A. Boano and K. Römer.
External Radio Interference.
In Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks, Chapter 2, SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Cooperating Objects.
ISBN 978-3-319-00773-1, Springer.
July 2013.
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N. Baccour, A. Koubâa, C.A. Boano, L. Mottola, H. Fotouhi, M. Alves, H. Youssef, M.A. Zúñiga, D. Puccinelli, T. Voigt, K. Römer, C. Noda.
Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks.
Appears in SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Cooperating Objects.
ISBN 978-3-319-00773-1, Springer.
July 2013.
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Buy at Amazon.de -
Front cover
Contributions to Magazines
Y. Liu, D. Li, H. Dai, X. Ma, and C.A. Boano.
Understanding Concurrent Radiative Wireless Power Transfer in the IoT: Out of Myth, into Reality.
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 31(3).
June 2024.
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C.A. Boano, M. Schuß, and K. Römer.
EWSN Dependability Competition: Experiences and Lessons Learned.
IEEE Internet of Things Newsletter.
March 2017.
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C.A. Boano, K. Römer, R. Bloem, K. Witrisal, M. Baunach, and M. Horn.
Dependability for the Internet of Things - from dependable networking in harsh environments to a holistic view on dependability.
Springer e&i Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik. DOI 10.1007/s00502-016-0436-4.
November 2016.
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C.A. Boano, K. Römer, and T. Voigt.
RELYonIT: Dependability for the Internet of Things.
IEEE Internet of Things Newsletter.
January 2015.
C.A. Boano and K. Römer.
No Dependability, No Internet of Things.
Net-Xperiment Future, pag. 23. ISBN 978-92-79-36643-7.
March 2014.
K. Römer and C.A. Boano.
Körperkerntemperatur bei Marathonläufern: Drahtlose Überwachung per Infrarotsensor.
Medical Sports Network, Issue 02, pag. 28-29.
February 2013.
K. Römer and C.A. Boano.
Drahtlose Sensornetze in der Sportmedizin: Laufen, Daten, Sammeln.
In Gesundheitsland Schleswig-Holstein Jahrbuch 2012/2013, pag. 15.
November 2012.
Technical Reports
H. Hydher, M. Schuß, O. Saukh, K. Römer, and C.A. Boano.
APEX: Automated Parameter Exploration for Low-Power Wireless Protocols.
arXiv:2501.19194 eprint,
January 2025.
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C.A. Boano, K. Römer, N. Tsiftes, T. Voigt, M.A. Zúñiga, K. Langendoen, J. Brown, A. Veiga, R. Socorro, X. Vilajosana, and M. Montón.
Publishable Summary Report.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
March 2015.
M. Baunach, C.A. Boano, K. Langendoen, A. Veiga, M. Montón, F.J. Oppermann, U. Roedig, K. Römer, R. Socorro, T. Voigt, and M.A. Zúñiga.
D-5.2 - Report on 2nd year cooperation, dissemination and joint activities.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
January 2015.
N. Tsiftes, N. Finne, Z. He, T. Voigt, F. Aslam, I. Protonotarios, M.A. Zúñiga, K. Langendoen, C.A. Boano, F.J. Oppermann, K. Römer, M. Baunach, J. Brown, U. Roedig, I.E. Bagci, J. Vidler, A. Veiga, R. Socorro, M. Montón, J.C. Pacho.
D-4.4 - Final Integrated Prototype and Experiment.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
January 2015.
F.J. Oppermann, C.A. Boano, M. Baunach, K. Römer, F. Aslam, M.A. Zúñiga, I. Protonotarios, K. Langendoen, N. Finne, N. Tsiftes, and T. Voigt.
D-3.2 - Report on Protocol Selection, Parameterization, and Runtime Adaptation.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
January 2015.
M.A. Zúñiga, I. Protonotoarios, S. Li, F. Aslam, K. Langendoen, C.A. Boano, K. Römer, J. Brown, J. Vidler, I.E. Bagci, U. Roedig, L. Mottola, T. Voigt, and I. Glaropoulos.
D-2.2 & D-2.3 - Report on Protocol Models & Validation and Verification.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
December 2014.
J. Brown, J. Vidler, I.E. Bagci, U. Roedig, C.A. Boano, F.J. Oppermann, M. Baunach, K. Römer, M.A. Zúñiga, F. Aslam, and K. Langendoen.
D-1.3 - Report on Runtime Assurance.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
November 2014.
N. Tsiftes, T. Voigt, F. Aslam, I. Protonotarios, M.A. Zúñiga, K. Langendoen, C.A. Boano, F.J. Oppermann, K. Römer, M. Baunach, J. Brown, U. Roedig, P. Moreno Montero, R. Socorro Hernández, M. Montón, J.C. Pacho.
D-4.3 - First Integrated Prototype and Experiment.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
May 2014.
M.A. Zúñiga, F. Aslam, I. Protonotoarios, K. Langendoen, C.A. Boano, K. Römer, J. Brown, U. Roedig, N. Tsiftes, and T. Voigt.
D-2.1 - Report on Optimized and Newly Designed Protocols.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
May 2014.
J. Brown, I.E. Bagci, U. Roedig, M.A. Zúñiga, C.A. Boano, N. Tsiftes, K. Römer, T. Voigt, and K. Langendoen.
D-1.2 - Report on Learning Models Parameters.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
November 2013.
M. Baunach, C.A. Boano, K. Langendoen, P. Moreno Montero, M. Montón, F.J. Oppermann, U. Roedig, K. Römer, R. Socorro Hernández, T. Voigt, and M.A. Zúñiga.
D-5.1 - Report on 1st Year Cooperation, Dissemination and Joint Activities.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
November 2013.
C.A. Boano, F.J. Oppermann, K. Römer, J. Brown, U. Roedig, C. Keppitiyagama, and T. Voigt.
D-4.2 - Prototype of Testbeds with Realistic Environment Effects.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
October 2013.
M.A. Zúñiga and C.A. Boano, J. Brown, C. Keppitiyagama, F.J. Oppermann, P. Alcock, N. Tsiftes, U. Roedig, K. Römer, T. Voigt, and K. Langendoen.
D-1.1 - Report on Environmental and Platform Models.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
June 2013.
M. Bor, K. Langendoen, C.A. Boano, F.J. Oppermann, K. Römer, A. Veiga Rico, P. Moreno Montero, R. Socorro Hernández, I. Vilajosana, M. Dohler, M. Montón, U. Roedig, A. Mauthe, G. Coulson, T. Voigt, L. Mottola, Z. He, N. Tsiftes.
D-4.1 - Report on Use Case Definition and Requirements.
RELYonIT project deliverable.
March 2013.
C.A. Boano.
Channel Quality Estimation in Indoor Wireless Sensor Networks.
In Book of abstracts of "Wireless sensor network programming: an introduction".
Pag. 31-32, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Stockholm, Sweden. November 2008.
Habilitation Thesis
C.A. Boano.
Technologies and Tools for the Design of Dependable Networked Embedded Systems.
Habilitation thesis.
Graz University of Technology.
February 2020.
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PhD Thesis
C.A. Boano.
Dependable Wireless Sensor Networks.
Graz University of Technology.
November 2014.
Foerderpreis 2015 for dissertations with particular social relevance to my PhD thesis "Dependable Wireless Sensor Networks", 2nd place.
Promotion sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae in February 2016 (more info).
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MSc Thesis
C.A. Boano.
Application Support Design for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Master's Thesis.
Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy) and Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Stockholm, Sweden).
March 2009.
Bengt Asker Award 2009 for the best Real-time Master Thesis.
EWSN 2010/CONET Award for the best Industrial Master's Thesis in the area of Cooperating Objects.
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